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  4. Wireless focus”Preston”

Wireless focus”Preston”

Besprovodnoye ruchnoye upravleniye obespechivayet nadezhnost’, kotoruyu vy ozhidayete ot Preston, v kompaktnom i legkom korpuse. Yego mozhno ispol’zovat’ s ostal’noy chast’yu sistemy FI + Z, chtoby upravlyat’ funktsiyey diafragmy ili fokusa ot HU4, vybirayemuyu tumblerom na peredney paneli ustroystva.
Wireless handheld control delivers the reliability you expect from Preston in a compact and lightweight package. It can be used with the rest of the FI + Z system to control the iris or focus function from the HU4, selectable by a toggle switch on the front of the unit.

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